A 1:1 Initiation Process For Mothers
emergence is a sacred initiatory container
for mothers coming up for air and stepping into dharma,
claiming the medicine they carry
initiating you as wisdom carrier
bringing you into wholeness as mother, mapping your offering to the world
Mothers, we hold diamonds in our core. Transformed in the depths, reshaped entirely, emerging from the underworld wide, strong, brilliant.
EMERGENCE is a powerful container to hold you in your self-reclamation, as you lovingly integrate your journey and take radical and clear ownership of the potency you now carry - a potency the world needs.
Your womb-deep offering is ready to be birthed. This is your next initiation.
Birthing My Vision
“I saw right from the start that Xochi held space with compassion and respect, and that she wasn't afraid to speak about the shadow side of motherhood. Her approach is loving and spiritual, but also honest and no-bullshit, which is what I so need in my motherhood journey! Emergence came at just the right time for me: my son was 3.5 years old and I was finally emerging from the very early years of broken sleep and a lot of rage and frustration from the shock of motherhood. With Xochi's generous support and wisdom, I moved through this period of grieving my maiden self, saying goodbye to previous ways of working and stepping forward into bringing my heart-led sober coaching offering into the world.” - Ellie
We recognise the need to support mothers through pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Then what?
Who is holding us as we surface, gathering the pieces of our new Self together to turn our gaze toward who we are now?
And what we can offer the world beyond our hearth?
It’s time to rewrite the Lone Mother narrative, to midwife our next emergence, to support our ownership of our power and our worth.
Ask any mother coming up for air if she feels frustrated that just as she’s back in her creative flow and seat of inspiration, she has to drop it all to meet the needs of her home and her children - the answer will be yes. The clock waits for no school run, food shop or hungry babe.
Some of us know only too well the almost unbearable paradox of this time: that just as we are able to make space for the huge expansion of who we are now, and what we are dreaming in, we are confronted with its innate fragility as we are constantly pulled away from it by the very role and duties of Mothering that it is born of.
This is a moment where we need an energetic midwife, a doula: someone and someplace to hold and nurture our new visions and dreams while we juggle them with the demands of our hearth. Somewhere to put that frustration and hand over the reins to hold while we allow the creative seeds to fertilise. Someone to midwife our deep integration of our journey of Matrescence, bring us back into devotional communion with Spirit and with the Earth, and orientate us in our freshly-born power as the Mother and Woman we are now - overflowing with new gifts to the world. Someone to see those gifts, tend them too, and help us execute the beautiful and empowering journey of sharing them, now.
EMERGENCE is born of this exact vision and need. It is radical in its unflinching devotion to the wide, deep, unique wisdom of Mother and its unwavering belief in the magic of her gifts. It understands how precious these gifts are, for the tiny windows of opportunity they have to make themselves seen amid the demands of daily life. It is a matriarchal process and partnership. It is sacred doula work. And it is already at work in the lives of those mothers ready to step into their dharma and its manifestation as a business offering in a whole new way.
continual communion with the Great Mother
The moment of surfacing in the arc of motherhood is potent, fertile, energising. It is hard-earned and ours to reap. Beyond the mists of postpartum, accumulated in the daily widening of your being, lies the place where the seeds of dharma deep within your womb burst from the darkness and begin to emerge. Through powerful ritual and intuituve insight, we integrate, we quest, we map.
Your womb holds the blueprint: she asks simply that we listen.
The unseen labour,
the giving from the depths,
the realms of the womb you exist within:
I see you, I honour you, I celebrate your gifts.
Healing in motherhood
“First time mamahood came to me with ease, I thought I’d conquered it all - when my second was born, it was like my whole world shattered. I found myself constantly depressed, angry, unable to parent with grace and gentleness. All of this came on so heavy it was like a thick smog that wouldn’t clear. I tried everything to make it “better”.
After working with Xochi I am able to transverse the many layers of motherhood with much more ease, grace and acceptance. Being brought back into myself and into my full embodied power has allowed me to Mother from a place that feels aligned and safe.
Any challenges that arrive can now be met with a gentle knowing that I couldn’t find inside myself before. Thank you Xochi” - Zara
clarity & freedom through consistent holding
Whether it is in the toddler years or the teens, as mothers coming up for air we sense a persistent conflict between stepping out beyond our hearth, and being pulled back down into the relentless current of care. The seeds of Self we try and grasp can feel blown from our hands before we have a moment to examine them,
We are then conditioned to believe that this is shameful. That our longing to surface, to radiate our brilliance, to share the fruits of our unfathomable expansion, makes us somehow less of a mother. We are told we should stay at the hearth, and be nothing less than perfect there.
No wonder we feel clouded, unclear, divided. But the medicine we carry, the sacred offerings choosing to move through our widened vessel - they are there all the while. Seeding, rooting, flowering in the deep.
Emergence and the initiations it contains hold you fully and consistently, allowing clarity and focus to feed your next evolution. Sensitive strategy and thoughtful guidance provide practical support alongside the deeply spiritual. In this container I give you access to all of me, as mother, sister, mentor, practitioner, sensitive human being.
radical, all-encompassing acceptance
Motherhood can be at once the most expansive and challenging role, asking us for total surrender to a deeply spiritual process: we become the vessels of Goddess, we lose all control, we are excavated in our deepest core.
Through the marrow-deep love we bear, we are in constant communion with the Great Mother in all her forms. The light and the shadow. The heavens and the underworld. The way we work in this container is so liberating because we welcome it all, we feel it all, we own what society tells us we should reject: the shame, the rage, the grief, the guilt, the addiction, the yearning.
Our Emergence is born not only of our longing, our joy, our love - but also of complete intimacy with the parts of our mothering journey that we believe we should exile. The realm of the womb knows no duality. We alchemise shadow and light, to birth anew.
A deep remembering
“Xochi you are a powerful force, full of incredible wisdom… listening to you hold the space for us as mothers is like sitting with a great spirit… I am so grateful for the teachings and pratices. You truly helped me strengthen my connection to myself and remember the wisdom of the sacred feminine, and this work has been a huge catalyst of change in my life as woman and mother.” - Rose
coming back to wholeness and feeding your medicine blueprint
Emergence supports your singular evolution as woman and mother through a series of powerful rituals, alongside focused 1:1 session work. In this ritual, we commune with Gaia and we attune to our innermost feminine wisdom - a wisdom that the societal construct of motherhood can daily undermine.
These rituals are carefully designed and transmitted to support you in:
releasing oppressive stories, beliefs and behaviours
honouring and being witnessed in motherhood experiences that have been repressed or shut away within your system
connecting you to the unconditional holding and nourishment of our Great Mother
nurturing a deeper relationship to your womb - your seat of intelligence and guidance in this process of self-initiation
setting intention
acknowledging your lineage
initiating your offering
Can you dare to believe that motherhood is not an obstacle holding you back from your dharma but the very task and expansion that is bringing you into deeper intimacy with it?
Threshold support
“Xochi has so much beautiful wisdom and is so tapped into the divine feminine, her motherhood mentoring felt deeply nourishing and a sacred gift to give myself as I walked into it more present to the emotional and spiritual changes that were taking place. After my sessions with her I felt more grounded, trusting of my unique path, and clearer in my role as a mother and what I needed to support myself and my new life” - Nikki
The CHapters:
Resting In The Mother - opening; plugging into Her
Loving Witnessing - telling your story
Gathering The Jewels - sensing your power
Shadow Alchemy - integrating the whole
Owning Your Medicine - opening to your offering
Mapping Your Offering - bringing strategy, form and shape; completion
The structure:
6 x 60 minute one-to-one sessions (voice or video call)
6 initiation rituals, alongside supporting practices, meditations and recordings
Intuitive strategy and practical project support; content auditing and structural guidance where required
Whatsapp container throughout the journey
Access to the Resting In Her nervous system reset
about your guide
Xochi is a Women’s Wisdom Keeper, feminine embodiment practitioner and Mother of three. She is a devoted guide and disciple on the goddess wisdom path, anchoring her work in earth-based ritual and embodiment practice passed down from a variety of lineages and traditions. She brings with this a gentle, open approach to feminine business and entrepreneurship, rooted in intuition, self-responsibility and nervous system regulation.

“I am infinitely grateful for xochi’s soft, graceful and powerful holding”
— BETH, mama of two
Step into an intimate transformational process
One that radically embraces and celebrates every facet of motherhood and matrescence: our freedom lies in this return to wholeness, this loving self-compassion, this brave acceptance of it all.
We have unlocked the codes of creation within us. Our power is clear, our resilience ever-present. This work anchors us in the seat of our womb, and together we build a Temple there.
We pray there, we listen, we nurture and explore.
Our offering emerges: we rise clear and prepared as we birth anew.
who is this process for?
This process is for all mothers at any stage of their children’s lives in which they feel a sense of readiness to step into the next phase of conscious awakening, as Woman and Mother. Whether tending toddlers or teenagers, or adjusting to an empty nest and post-menopausal living, each threshold and moment brings its potent pieces to reclaim, nourish and alchemise what we have been given.
For some mothers this will mean stepping back into a seat of work, business or outward-facing offerings; for others it is a point of surfacing into a new, integrated and energised expression of their more inward-facing service to their family or community.
is there a limit to the whatsapp support?
Once we have opened the container, I will be available as often as I am able to communicate, share, guide and reflect on whatsapp. There is no limit to how regularly we check in there.
What, specifically, will the rituals consist of?
Each chapter we journey through culminates in its own ritual, to integrate and honour the aspect traversed in communion with the Earth, our Womb and the Sacred. These are precious, powerful and highly personal, offered bespoke to each woman and her unique journey as Mother.
How will i be supported in any business aspects of my emergence?
Should your dharma lead you to create or update an offering where you will receive income, or offer a service to others, I will support you in the process of expressing and structuring this online. This can entail content auditing, feedback and editing; womb-storming available structures and avenues; creative guidance and reflection.
What if I feel called to this container but more as a personal process as opposed to anything work or business related?
You are so welcome here: this journey is designed to bring you into complete intimacy with all aspects of your path as Mother and support your healing and expansion there. For some this will mean a greater focus on personal integration, witnessing, transmuting and alchemising - even just so that we can mother from a place of greater equanimity, resource and compassion: this is a huge evolutionary act in itself.
Can the sessions be in-person?
If you would like to explore this, please book an exploration call or contact me to discuss what is possible.
I feel called to this journey but I do not have sufficient funds right now, do you offer scholarships?
There are a limited amount of scholarships available to support mothers who would otherwise be unable to receive this work. Please write to xochirosemoon@gmail.com, sharing why you believe the journey is right for you, your current financial situation, and what you are hoping to receive from the process.
Do you offer refunds?
This process is non-refundable.