gaia codes

course content



Welcome, sister, to this journey back home to our inner truth and guidance, held by the Earth and each other. I am so glad you are here.

Here you will find the zoom link and recording info for the course, as well as guidance for each chapter we will journey through (spending two weeks and two zoom circles per chapter).

The course is mainly experiental, meaning that the live circles, practices we explore there, and practices I invite you to explore yourself between our meetings, form the bulk of the course. It is through a lived and embodied (literally “in the body”) experience of these tools and practices that we really begin to carve out a clear and lasting map back to our intuition within our daily lives. Honouring this, this journey has been deisgned to bring us out of the mind as much as possible, and into the realm of feeling, sensing, breathing, moving and living the moment as it arises.

So, I invite you now to close your eyes, take a deep breath into the pool of your belly and allow the exhale to bring you deeper into your body.

You are here, you are arriving - and you can come home to the breath in any moment as a direct anchor in and down. Consider this your first ally.



Below are some essentials to hold you thorugh the course. Each week on zoom we will discuss practices and tools / rituals and add to these.

  • find yourself a beautiful journal to accompany you over the next 14 weeks. Here you will find prompts and you are also encouraged to bring it wherever you go and to record your dreams there as well if theyre accessible to you

  • stock up on natural candles, we will use them in our altar work and you may wish to light one during each zoom circle

  • when you join or watch the live circles, create a space for yourself that is as peaceful and spacious as possible - as if you are arriving in your own sacred home Temple (if you need to be with your children, mute or multitask this is of course fully welcome - we come as we are)

  • everything shared in the course is kept confidential within the sacred container of our circle, and we will recommit to this throughout

  • Moontime Offering: for those women who menstruate, we will actively engage in the practice of offering our blood to the earth throughout this cycle. You can read about this below, underneath the module content.

zoom info


We will meet each Tuesday lunchtime, starting May 9, at 12.30pm UK time. The circles will last around 80-90 minutes, depending on the flow.

Each week, the recording of the live circle will be added to the relevant chapter below (two circles per chapter).

Below is the zoom link:

Meeting ID: 886 0906 8883

Passcode: sisterhood

  1. arrive


Week 1: As we prepare to gather for our opening circle, and in the wake of it, I invite you to begin to tune in to your intentions for the journey ahead. Bring pen to paper in your journal and give them form through words or drawing.

Journal prompts for this week:

  • Speak aloud what brought you here and write down those words that feel the most true

  • How do you experience the Spring-to-Summer energy within and around you? There is no right or wrong… your experience is your truth in this moment. Themes to consider are light and bloom, life and rebirth, the energy of growth in relation to the energy of retreat…

  • Do you bring any fears with you as you open this journey? Write them down, ready to be released

Zoom recording

Week 2: Continue to tend the altar you have created, spending time in silence there each day.

Journal prompts for this week:

  • What does it mean to you to be a Daughter of the Earth?

  • When in the day have you felt connected to your body?

  • When have you felt disconnected, numb or stuck in the mind?

  • What helps to bring you back into your feeling and senses?

zoom recording

2. listen


Week 3: As we begin to land deeper in the holding of Gaia, I invite you this week to notice how you meet her in the comings and goings of daily life. Create a system that reminds you to check in with how your body is meeting the earth as you go about your tasks. Stickers around the house, a reminder on your phone if you are out… find a prompt that works with your daily flow and stay curious - if there is resistance to pausing and checking in, be with that. Feel it in the body, journal, and gently recommit, with compassion for the stories of separation that your vessel is holding.

Find time this week (and every week) to lie in nature, bathe in the textures of Gaia and widen your senses as you begin to remember how to deeply let go into her embrace.

A ritual this week: one time while there in nature, engage the senses and listen. Make an offering in devotion to this commitment to listening. Bring candles, incense, natural offerings or talismans that feel ready to come back to the earth - follow your inner guidance and let your own ceremony birth through you.

Share with the group how this unfolded for you: there is no right or wrong.

Journal prompts for this week:

  • What does the gravitational pull of your body towards the earth mean to you in this moment?

  • Which sense is most alive for you right now? Explore this…

  • Which sense(s) are less vibrant, or numb?

  • How might they be awakened?

zoom recording

Week 4: Now that we are dropping deeper into the wombspace, practise the womb listening daily, preferably in nature or a safe space like your bed. We are beginning to expand our awareness of the belly as our seat of intuition and wisdom. Our intention is to continually inhabit more and more of this space, allowing it to let go and be soft, spacious and open as we go about our daily tasks. So continue to notice in your daily life not only how your feet and body are meeting the earth, but also now when the mind pulls you away from awareness of your belly in particular, and causes it to tense up. Return there again and again with breath, presence and a sense of rooting down into mama Gaia.

Continue to gently listen also to the noise around you in daily life which might pull out of connection to your inner wisdom. Social media, news, gossip… sharpen your awareness and start to witness how fragmentation, doubt and disembodiment can stem from them over and over.

This week we also call in right and fruitful relation with our healthy ancestors and explore this in the circle.

Journal prompts for this week:

  • What do you feel when you are in connection to your wombspace?

  • What fears do you hold around meeting this space more fully?

  • What noise pulls me out of my true self?

Following on from our live circle ritual, write out any fears, resistance or beliefs held in your wombspace that you wish to let go of and place them folded up on your altar. At a good moment this week, burn them and the prayer to our ancestors and offer the ashes to the earth.

zoom recording

3. shed


Week 5: Following on from the energy of Sunday’s full moon and our release ritual, and now that we have widened our listening capabilties, we invite in the transformative energy of letting go. As the snake sheds her skin and rebuilds anew, so do we within the seasons of life, earth and womanhood.

In this module we explore the art of release. This can be challenging in a world that has taught us to grasp tightly onto many things and aspects of self. Often we are fed the message that change is something we should fear or resist, particularly in regard to ageing and the physical form. Equally salient is the subliminal message that personal transformation may leave us unpopular, criticised and ultimately rejected by those who are comfortable with us as we are / have been.

At the heart of a healthy relationship to release is a nourished sense of trust in the wisdom of life to simply grow and evolve as it is designed to. We have been cultivating this experience of trust as experienced through the body in the previous weeks, and I invite you to continue to do so.

Journal prompts for this week:

  • How do you currently honour (if at all) the natural energies of shedding that interweave with your life as a woman?

  • Are there any parts of you that are afraid to let go? Write them and feel where they reside in the body. Then come ot the earth, lie and be held as her daughter, and come back to this inquiry fresh.

  • In this moment, what would you like to let go of to strengthen your journey with Gaia and your own inner wisdom?

zoom recording

Week 6: Central to maturing into our innate intuition is allowing the Maiden alive within us, the young one, to speak her truth and find wholeness so that she may step back. In the triple goddess archetype, we work with Maiden, Mother and Crone energies as they live out through us. Whether or not our experience of Mother is through physical childbearing or the birth of creative energy within the wombspace, and whether or not we identify in our life cycle with the Elder / Crone, as we commit to step deeper into our embedded wisdom we naturally step toward this energy - and in doing so we naturally allow the Maiden self to make space for this. For many of us, this younger girl was not offered the integration she crossed the threshold of menarche and began to inhabit a more mature body. This week we simply give space to her to speak her truth: her gratitudes, her grief, her regret, her fear, her desires. The in-trust alignment with Mother and Crone that we are moving towards allows us to unlock the deeper layers of wisdom that inform our sense of clarity, vision and non-negotiable loyalty to what simply feels right.

Allow this to wash over you and notice how it plays out in your body, your daily life and your sense of self. As we shed, we open the space to rebuild anew.

In the live circle we will discuss a release ritual.

Journal prompts for this week:

  • Bring pen to paper and allow your Maiden to speak all that she wishes

zoom recording

4. receive


Week 7: As we approach Summer Solstice, we practice opening as wide as we are able to all that this peak moment of light, fire, energy, illumination and nourishment has to offer. Receptivity is the ultimate feminine gift and now we work to deeply nurture this as women connected to Gaia’s vast web of abundance and beauty. Anatomically, through our sacred yoni, we are designed to open and receive both pleasure and life, as well as to shed that which no longer serves - and as we all know this brings with it great vulnerability.

Sit with these words a moment and tune in to how it feels to begin to access this area.

A powerful way to heal this vulnerability, and the many times as women that we have had our innate receptivity disrespected, is through igniting the earth-womb axis. In this we come to understand the wombspace and yoni as direct portals to earth intelligence. When we then nurture healthy boundaries, we can receive and shed in a balanced and integral way.

As we continue to feed the trust we find when we allow ourselves to be held by Gaia, we create the safe space in which to fully open to her holding, nourishment and ultimately to her divine love. This axis is an incredibly helpful tool for healing and reclaiming our own inner power.

In the energy of this solar portal, we will practice a meditation to expand this relationship between wombspace and earth. Continue to practice this over the coming weeks.

Stay open to pleasure this week and notice your relationship to claiming it, shutting it down, and stories around your worthiness to own it.

Journal prompts for this week:

  • What does receptivity mean to you in this moment?

  • What would you like to open to receive more of?

  • Is there anything you would like to receive less of?

zoom recording

Week 8: Healthy boundaries are vital for balanced feminine power and an evolved loyalty to our own potential, worth and way of being in the world. The wider we open to receive, the more important they become. There are many ways in which we can work with boundaries, including: physical, verbal, energetic, parental, professional, social, sexual and relational.

Healthy boundaries not only create safety: in doing so, they greatly enrich the energy of the container they protect. This week I invite you to bring eagle-eye awareness to your sense of your own boundaries in the above fields, and begin to track where you give your sovreignty away, and how you might reclaim it.

Journal prompts for this week:

  • Where do I give my power or autonomy away in my life?

  • Where can I see that I have healthy boundaries?

  • How does it feel in my body when I respect and speak my boundaries?

  • How does Yes feel in my body when I say it aloud?

  • How does No feel in my body when I say it aloud?

Zoom recording

5. map


Week 9: As we begin to invite the map of our own feminine wisdom to take form, we weave all that we have practised together into our daily life. Our stance upon the earth, our capacity to widen the senses and listen, our daily interactions, our devotion to our altar, our deepening dialogue with body and belly and the receptivity and boudaries they hold… How our own map appears to us is unique and individual and this is a pivotal moment where we honour the truth that our path is our own. This week we explore opening to the language of our inner intelligence. We do this, as always, through anchoring ourselves firmly in Gaia and the elements. Safe, aware, present: from here we open and we flex that deep listening muscle.

Everything is information and intelligence: visions, dreams, sensations, sounds, ideas, changes of mind or opinion, even fears, collapse and despair can be keys to mapping this inner stream of wisdom. We trust the old beliefs and systems that arise in order to fall away, as well as what feels clear and easy and good.

When we are ready to bring some form to the longing that brought us here, we often find ourselves drawn to certain catalysts or allies that aid us in staying on the path of our quest. Drumming, chanting, plant allies such as cacao or damiana, silence, cleansing… many practices (or ancestral reclamations) can support us in bringing language and order to the wild waters within, as long as they are accessed from an integrated and present space (meaning that we do not use them to check out or seek states of escape). Stay open to any allies that are calling you as you begin to beat the path forwards toward your lived expression of your truth, beauty and wisdom.

To proceed on this path we must stay loyal to the language of our own feminine map. This language is a magical key and one that no one can ever take away from us.

Journal prompts for this week:

  • With your non-dominant hand, write or draw what is present when you come to Gaia as her daughter, ignite the earth-womb axis and open to receive her holding

  • What dims the light of your self-expression?

  • When do you feel most safe and inspired to speak the language of your wombspace and soul?

zoom recording

Week 10: As the foundations of our mapping continue to be nourished, we come towards a clear and focused expression of our truth here and now.

We arrive at the alchemy of creative focus. It is alchemy because it allows us to bridge the internal and the external, the landscape within us to the world around, and how we move through it. The wombspace is the ultimate holy bridge: the place where infinte source and life potential collides with the external world and brings an expression of it forth.

We now reside in this space, and express it.

This can come through as: voice, image, sound, movement, words, sculpture, mandala… any creative expression of your essence that feels right. But before we arrive there we must first ensure we are fully embodied, returning again and again to the practices we have shared so far.

In order to keep this creativity pure and untainted by mind, we must in a certain sense become a devout vessel for this expression to streamline into clarity. So this week and moving forward, take extra notice of what you consume and the vibration it opens up within you. Stimulants, screens, toxins all serve to cloud our faculties and at this moment in the journey we seek purification and clarity in every way we can.

Journal prompts for this week:

  • What beliefs do you hold around your own creativity?

  • What are some of the ways you express your unique creative language in everyday life?

  • What do you notice lowers your vibration and clouds your vessel, hampering your authentic self-expression? Are you ready to let go of this?

zoom recording

6. alchemise


Week 11: Notice how you feel after starting to step with courage and commitment into the true expression of your essence. You may see things shift around and within you this week. Tend with devotion to the areas in the everyday where you express your relationship to your truth: your altar, your body, your diet, your relational field. Notice what wants to fall away, and where your devotion wavers and simply witness this with awareness and compassion.

Now we simply integrate this way of being through continual daily practice. This is devotion within the mundanity of life: a powerful key to serving our communities in a sustainable way.

And, we give thanks. Gratitude has been with us since the beginning but this week we bask in the wake of our creative expression and watch how gratitude wants to be expressed through us.

In the circle we will discuss creating our own gratitude ritual.

Journal prompts for this week:

  • What are you grateful for here and now?

  • How does it feel in your body, and where, when you take time to really give thanks?

  • What areas of your life currently receive more energy than they might deserve?

  • What areas are asking for more?

zoom recording

Week 12: Having accessed the deepest and truest powers of authentic self-expression, we begin to dive deep into the inquiry of how we are of service on earth now. Not how we thought we would be, or how our sister, friend or teacher is: our very own blueprint for devotion to Gaia, to our creator, is unique. So that we can arrive at it, we must first take an inner inventory. A fearless inquiry into what serves our feminine purpose, and what does not - and our ability to live in commitment to it.

In the circle we will discuss this inner inventory. It is a practice we must come back to again and again: a continual listening to our inner landscape and whether or not it is in balance. And of course there are days, weeks, months, years where it will be thrown out of balance because that is the contraction and expansion of life. Just as the outer landscape we live in symbiosis with changes in cycles, so do we, and a big part of honouring our feminine truth is knowing that what was true yesterday may well not be today. Herein lies our cyclical powers of shedding and renewal, as we have experienced.

Continue to fine-tune your everyday - see how you can better receive what you need as life continues to ebb and flow.

Journal prompts for this week:

  • What ignites the deepest longing in you? Stay curious and write down anything at all that emerges when you read this

Zoom recording

7. integrate


Week 13: We arrive at the point where we are ripe to set forth with sustainable purpose as women. This purpose does not need to be grand, goal-oriented or even clear: this purpose simply means living in loyalty to the inner wisdom and powers of intuition we have been unearthing. Most often, it means living from the language of our wombspace. And the legacy that creates. When we live from this seat, naturally things fall away and the earth-womb axis sustains us in our service to Gaia and to the world around us.

It’s important here to take note of any ideas you carry around what “worthy” purpose is, and what falls short of that. Patriarchal disempowerment runs deep and we must clear this field if we are to live in loyalty to our own medicine here and now.

It’s also the moment where we can look back over the journey and witness how far we have come. The many ways in which we have shed what no longer serves and landed in deeper alignement with the codes that live through us as sacred vessels of the Feminine. The profound intimacy with our wombspace that we have cultivated - releasing generations of numbness, fragementation and dominance.

Close your eyes now and land back in that vast haven of knowing. Give yourself an internal gesture of thanks for the profound journey you have walked upto this moment.

You are perfect and whole, just as you are here and now. I bow to your devotion and courage.

Journal prompts for this week:

  • What do you feel connected to as a purpose in your life right now?

  • What can you do to live in devotion to this?

  • What can you do to sustain this devotion?

  • Is there anything you need to let go of?

Week 14: Closing ceremony

zoom circle

moontime offering


The practice of offering our menstrual blood to the earth is recognised as important and potent by many cultures around our beautiful world. While some of you will have actively done this before, others will not and it is a ritual those of us who bleed can commit to for as long as we continue to do so.

For those who do not, let me know - for a stronger sense of cyclical orientation you can chart your physical and emotional bodies in line with the moon.

Either using a mooncup, or fabric pad or blood gathered with your hand added to water in a bowl or cup, offer your blood to Mother Earth. Give thanks to her for the gift of menstruation, the entire sacred spectrum of all life and all death and all that lies in between, that we are deeply privileged to embody. Give thanks for your ancestors who bled and birthed before you so that you can be here today.

If you cannot access nature you can always offer your blood to a house plant. Create a sense of individually guided ceremony with some elements from your altar or even a simple and pure candle flame.

Take it slow, tune deeply into your womb, allow whatever words and feelings arise space, and offer up too any shame, fear and limiting conditionings to the Goddess. As we bleed, we shed - ready to rebuild anew in the sacred cycle of menstruating womanhood.